Happy Summer! We have several announcements for you:
- WE STILL EXIST! Many people got the impression this week that Mayor Murray had thrown out the entire idea of neighborhood involvement and disestablished community council across the city, but in fact he only eliminated staff support to district councils. Not many people have heard of district councils; there are thirteen across the city whose members are community councils, chambers of commerce and other groups. Community councils are voluntary associations that receive no ongoing city support. We will continue meeting to foster open face-to-face discussion of neighborhood issues, find win-win solutions, engage hard-to-reach neighbors, and advocate for changes to benefit Greenwood.
- WE WILL NOT HAVE A MEMBERSHIP MEETING IN JULY. Our usual meeting would be on Tuesday July 19 (the third Tuesday), which will probably be a beautiful day and you can now do something else to enjoy it. We will not meet in August either, but may plan a social event.
- WE’VE INSTALLED A NEW MAILING PROGRAM – Please check to make sure you’ll get the mail you want to see. You might have noticed we have a new logo too! GCC maintains six different mailing lists, and you’ll want to check to make sure you’re on the ones you intend. The lists are described further below.
If you get an email from GCC, click on “update your preferences” at the bottom of this message (illustrated below) you can check whether you’re signed up for the lists you intended to sign up for.
- JOIN US ON FACEBOOK. Visit and “like” us at
Here’s more information about the lists you can sign up for to help you decide which to check.
- Greenwood Community Council: Click on this to receive announcement about our membership meetings and general member communications like this one
- Land Use: for announcements about land use committee meetings and information about city planning and development proposals in Greenwood
- Transportation: announcements about transportation committee meetings and information about transportation projects and plans, including sidewalks, roads, greenways, transit, etc.
- Safety and Health: announcements about safety and health committee meetings, and information about crime and disaster prevention
- Engagement: announcements about opportunities to help GCC reach out to and engage people who are harder to reach through email and are less likely to attend evening meetings
- Library Park: this list is for people who want to stay informed and involved in planning for the new city park that will be designed and build just north of the Library next year.