The name of this organization shall be the Greenwood Community Council; hereafter referred to as GCC.
- To define and establish appropriate action on problems of concern to the community, through providing a public forum for the discussion of pertinent issues.
- To establish and maintain communication within the community relating to areas of concern and community action.
- To establish and maintain communication with all governmental bodies and agencies that relate to the community’s health and welfare.
- To publicize, support, propose, or oppose any action, governmental or otherwise, that effects the community or its members and inform the appropriate governmental body of the community concern.
- To perform the role as official voice for the community in dealing with appropriate public/private organizations.
- To join with other appropriate community organizations on issues of mutual concern.
- The GCC shall serve approximately that area of the city of Seattle which is within the following boundaries: 8th Avenue N.W. on the west, 105th on the north, Aurora Avenue N. on the east, and 75th on the south or within five blocks of those boundaries.
- These boundaries may be adjusted to account for areas represented by adjoining community councils.
The GCC shall consist of the active members, meeting and voting in a public forum on issues within the scope of the GCC’s purpose. The GCC shall be assisted by elected officers, hereinafter known as the Council Board, consisting of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer (known as Board Officers) and Board appointed standing Committee Chairs. Ad hoc committees or other appointed advisory groups, existing or otherwise, may be appointed by the Council Board to study issues of concern, and to prepare reports for discussion and action by the GCC as a whole. The Council Board may be expanded as needed by majority vote of the general membership.
- Active membership shall be open to all persons within the Greenwood area as defined in Article III, as established by one of the following: 1)residence, 2)ownership or management of a business, or 3)representation of a private or public institution or agency.
- Only members, verified by the membership list (see Article V, 3), shall have the right to one vote per person at general membership meetings.
- Voting by proxy is not permitted.
- Active members under the age of 18 are non-voting members and shall be recognized as associate members.
- An annual assessment of $3.00 per senior citizen member, or $5.00 per regular, business, institution, or agency member, payable at time of initial membership or when renewed at the March meeting of each year, prior to elections being held, will be collected from members to support the website and public outreach.
- The annual assessment may be changed by majority vote of the members present and voting.
- Sources of income in addition to membership dues, may be accepted upon approval of the Council Board.
- Dues may be waived at the discretion of the Board based on prospective members’ ability to pay.
- There shall be a monthly meeting of the GCC the third Tuesday of each month. The time, place and purpose of the meeting shall be determined by the Council Board.
- Special meetings of the GCC may be called by the Council Board for the purpose of providing the public forum on issues within the scope of the Council’s purpose. Special meetings may be called by the President, a majority of the Council Board, or not less than 5% of the active members.
- The active membership attending a GCC meeting shall constitute a quorum provided proper notice was given.
- All members shall sign the membership roster before voting on any issue or candidate. Any legitimate motion requires for its adoption only a majority; that is, more than half of the votes cast (ignoring abstentions) at a legal meeting where a quorum is present, unless a larger vote for its adoption is required by the rules of the assembly.
- One—half of the active Council Board shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
- Votes shall be cast by ballot unless it is motioned and agreed to vote by rising, roll call, or general consent “yeas & nays”. Elections shall always take vote by ballot.
- Official notice of meetings shall be provided to active members, typically 7, but not less than five days nor more than 45 days prior to the meeting. Reasonable effort shall be made to publicize notice in at least one electronic and one physical format. Publicity on the GCC website (and via the GCC listserv) and in local news sources shall constitute official notice.
The Council Board shall consist of the elected Officers (President, Vice—President, Secretary and Treasurer), and the appointed standing Committee Chairs, all serving two—year terms with duties and powers as outlined by Sections 2—6 below. The board shall also, for the purpose of continuity, include the immediate past president (in cases of such a transition) for a period of no more than one year.
- An election of Council Board members shall be held at the March meeting of the Council, beginning in 2011.
- A nominating committee of two to three members shall be appointed by the President in January of each year, beginning in 2011. Thereafter, past presidents shall serve on the nominating committee if still active members, with the other appointed members.
- Nominations may be made from the floor at the February and March meetings with the consent of the person nominated.
- In the event of a vacancy, the Council Board may appoint a replacement to serve out the unexpired term
- To be considered for the position of President, a nominee shall have served as a GCC Board Officer for a minimum of 1 year, beginning in 2011, or otherwise demonstrate sufficient knowledge of GCC and community operations to satisfy the nominating committee.
- The President shall preside at all meetings and serve as chief executive, coordinating all programs and business of the organization.
- The President shall prepare agendas for all meetings.
- The President shall represent the Community Council before governmental bodies or agencies to present positions voted on by the Council. The President may assign the representation responsibility to the Vice—President or other members as appropriate.
- The President shall be an ex-officio member of all GCC committees.
- The Vice—President shall assume the duties of the President during the absence or disability of the President, and shall carry out such other duties as the President or Council Board may direct from time to time.
- The Vice—President shall represent the Community Council in meeting with other community organizations.
- The Vice—President shall maintain general membership lists and community membership lists.
- The Secretary shall issue notices for all meetings (other than phone notices and press releases).
- The Secretary shall maintain permanent files of all minutes, unfinished business, and records utilized in the business of the organization.
- The Secretary shall record the minutes of each meeting.
- The Secretary shall be in charge of correspondence and shall maintain the GCC email listserv.
- The Secretary shall be in charge of updating the GCC website and calendar at the url with current GCC related events and projects.
- The Treasurer shall have joint custody with the President and Vice—President of all monies and securities of the Council, and shall keep regular books of account.
- The Treasurer shall maintain accounting records, receive and disburse funds.
- The President, Vice President or Secretary is required to cosign, with the Treasurer, all checks and authorizations for expenditure.
- The treasurer shall maintain a banking account, where GCC funds are accessible by the GCC and shall ensure that all active Council Board Officers are recognized as cosigners by the institution where the account is held and shall transition responsibility as needed.
- A Standing Committee Chair shall organize activities, within the scope of their appointments, to assist the Council in addressing pertinent issues.
- Each Standing Committee Chair shall appoint committee members and schedule committee meetings, for their respective committees, as needed.
- Each Standing Committee Chair will provide a report to the GCC during regular monthly meetings.
- Each Standing Committee shall make recommendations to the entire Council Board for action.
- The following committees shall be considered Standing Committees within the GCC:
- Planning and Land Use Committee: to engage ongoing neighborhood development activities and to proactively engage in community planning and development utilizing existing City and Neighborhood plans, including but not limited to zoning, parks, and design review.
- Health and Safety Committee: to engage in neighborhood environmental health and safety issues, work with existing community/public safety groups including but not limited to G.A.I.N. (Greenwood Aurora Involved Neighbors) and local police/fire personnel.
- Public Outreach Committee: to engage community neighbors on matters involving the GCC, solicit community involvement within the GCC, manage GCC social events, liaison with other community social groups, and update social events calendar, including events not directly associated with the GCC.
- Transportation Committee: to engage in neighborhood transportation issues as they relate to pedestrian, bicycle, transit, and roadway improvements, including but not limited to: sidewalks, crosswalks, bicycle lanes, mass transit, and traffic calming devices.
- The Council Board shall have the power to fill all vacancies among the Board Officers for the full unexpired term and approve a Standing Committee Chair by a majority vote.
- The management of all of the affairs, property, and interest of the GCC shall be vested in the Council Board.
- The Council Board may establish ad hoc committees from time to time to study and report on issues of concern for public discussion and action by the Council.
- The Council Board may authorize various surveys and questionnaires of the community to determine needs and issues.
- The Council Board may propose the dues for future years, and may set new rates with approval from the general membership.
- The Council Board may adjust boundaries under the provisions of Article III.
- The Council Board shall review and approve the GCC by-laws every 3 years, beginning in 2013.
- The GCC may by majority vote of active members present and voting form a position to support, propose, or oppose any action, governmental or otherwise, on any issue within the scope of the purpose of the organization.
- The GCC shall elect the officers to serve on the Council Board.
- These By—Laws may be amended after proposed amendments of the By—Laws have been distributed to voting members of the GCC thirty (30) days before the scheduled meeting when such amendments are to be read and voted upon.
- The By—Laws may be amended at such meetings of the GCC by a majority of the members voting, provided that one—half of the Council Board and not less than a quorum of the Council Membership are present.
- No member shall state a position on behalf of the GCC on any politically partisan issue or candidate unless authorized by a vote of the GCC.
- The rules contained in “Robert’s Rules of Order Revised” shall govern in all cases in which they are not inconsistent with the By—Laws.
Submitted on: May 14, 2010 by: J. C. V., Secretary GCC.
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