All posts by Benjamin Mitchell

GCC Transportation Committee – 2017 Transportation Issues

Help Decide Transportation Areas of Advocacy and Action for 2017

Transportation Committee Meeting
Monday, February 20, 7:00 pm 


Flying Bike Brewery

Thank you to everyone who left a comment on the Greenwood Community Council’s website with your suggestions for issues to focus on in 2017. The feedback was great, and please feel free to add your thoughts ahead of our next GCC Transportation Committee Meeting on Feb. 20 at Flying Bike Brewery. 

In our meeting on Feb. 20 we’ll look at the list of suggested items, drill into specifics, and decide on actions or advocacy we might take on in the year ahead. Please dave the date, I hope to see you there!

What Transportation Issues Should We Focus on in 2017?

The Greenwood Community Council’s Transportation Committee wants to hear from you! What issues are of interest to you in 2017? What transportation items would you like to learn more about? Are there specific issues that you’d like to advocate around? 

Please leave a comment on this page indicating what transportation issues are of interest. We’ll follow-up with a meeting in February, 2017 which will be an opportunity to drill down into any ideas that have been offered. 

September Meeting: Sound Transit 3

What’s in the Sound Transit 3 package and how much will it cost?

This November residents of King, Pierce, and Snohomish counties will vote on the next iteration of expansion of Sound Transit services, known as Sound Transit 3 (ST3). The package includes more than 60 miles of new light rail lines across Seattle, Tacoma, Everett, and the Eastside. As well as Eastside bus rapid transit service, expansion of Sounder commuter rail, and the addition of parking capacity at various transit stations. Needless to say, ST3 is big. Passage of the ballot measure will mean our region will make an approximate $54 billion investment in transit expansion and will see big new transit projects come on line every few years between now and 2041. 

The Greenwood Community CouncilWe wants to help Greenwood residents make an informed voting decision on ST3. In our September general meeting we’ll delve into the details of the proposed projects in the plan, the project timelines, and the funding structure and projected costs to Puget Sound residents. 

Please join us at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 20, at the Greenwood Library, 8016 Greenwood Ave N, Seattle, WA 98103.


7:00   Welcome and introductions
7:10   Committee Reports

Health & Safety
Land Use
Call for volunteers

7:30   Update from the property owner on plans for Greenwood explosion site

7:45 Sound Transit 3

  • Context and background
  • Overview of ST3 Projects
  • How will ST3 affect NW Seattle?
  • Project timelines
  • Funding structure and costs

8:10 Open Question and Answer Session
8:30   Adjourn


Sound Transit 3 website

Seattle Transit Blog coverage

Seattle Times ST3 cost calculator

Transportation Committee Meeting, Pedestrian Master Plan Update

Greenwood Community Council Transportation Committee Meeting

Seattle Pedestrian Master Plan Update

Monday, August 1st, 7:00 PM, Couth Buzzard Books

Please join the Greenwood Community Council’s Transportation Committee on Monday, August 1st for a meeting focused on the recently updated Seattle Pedestrian Master Plan. (PMP)  We will be joined by representatives from the Seattle Pedestrian Advisory Board and SDOT to go over the updates to the PMP and their process for updating the plan. SDOT is soliciting feedback and comments on the PMP through August 12th, and this will be a great opportunity to learn about the PMP’s content and offer input. We hope to see you there!

About the Pedestrian Master Plan:

The Seattle Pedestrian Master Plan (PMP) is a long-term action plan to make Seattle the most walkable and accessible city in the nation. SDOT uses the PMP to prioritize pedestrian investments throughout the city including new sidewalks, curb ramps, crosswalks, and many other improvements that make it easier to walk in our neighborhoods. The Plan lays out the key strategies and actions that SDOT will use to achieve its vision of making Seattle the most walkable and accessible city in the nation, and it establishes the performance measures we will use to gauge our success.  

Sound Transit 3 and Metro’s Long-Range Vision

Greenwood Community Council Transportation will not be meeting in April. Please check out Sound Transit and Metro Long Range Plan!!

April is a big month for our region’s two significant transit agencies. The Draft Plan for Sound Transit 3, a 25-year $50 billion proposal to expand our light rail network, was released for review and public comments. We also saw King County Metro release their release a draft of their Long Range Plan, a vision for vastly expanded service between now and 2040.

Both agencies are currently soliciting input from the public, and they will be joint-hosting a Community Open House at Ballard High School on April 19th from 5:30 – 7:30 PM. Both agencies also have very good websites for the respective plans and are seeking feedback through on-line surveys. (Sound Transit 3 Survey can be found here, and the Metro Long Range Plan survey here).

GCC Transportation Committee Meeting on Neighborhood Speed Limits, Mon., March 7th

Please join the Greenwood Community Council Transportation Committee for our March meeting, on Monday March 7th at 7:00 PM at Flying Bike Brewery in Greenwood. 

Out topic will be a discussion on speed limits on neighborhood streets and we’ll be joined by our neighbors from Greenwood-Phinney Greenways to discuss their work around advocating for speed limit reductions on neighborhood streets.

I hope to see you there!

Greenwood Community Council Transportation Committee Meeting, Feb. 1, 7:00 PM – Growth, Congestion and Parking

Change is afoot in Seattle. That’s the refrain that precedes a lot of conversations these days whether the topic is housing; public safety; business development; or transportation. Where many of us feel the stresses that growth and change put on the city is through our day-to-day movements and in dealing with the increased congestion of more cars and more limited parking. 

So what is to be done? What are the common goals for mobility and access that we all share?

Join members of the Greenwood Community Council and the Phinney Ridge Community Council on Monday February 1st at 7:00 PM at 74th Street Ale House for a discussion around mobility and specifically parking for personal vehicles. We’ll use examples from the neighborhood as a jumping off point to discuss existing city parking policies.

We hope to see you there!

Update on Greenwood Community Council Transportation Committee


Greetings friends! The Greenwood Community Council’s Transportation Committee has been on hiatus for a while from our usual monthly meetings, BUT, we’re going to gear-up and get rolling once again in 2016!

Please take note that our next meeting will be held on Monday, January 4th, 2016 at the Flying Bike Brewery

The topic for this meeting is To Be Determined, and we’d love your input as to what topics, initiatives, projects, etc. the Transportation Committee might take up in 2016. Please reach out to Ben Mitchell at with any suggestions.

Take care and have a great December and New Year!