July Meeting: Public Art, Capacity Building, Design Review

July Membership Meeting
Tuesday July 21, 7:00 – 8:30
Greenwood Library
8016 Greenwood Ave. N
Public Art, CGG Capacity Building, 
Design Review Process and Updates
This month we are taking a break from single-topic meetings discuss several items.  Note that we will be asking the membership for a decision approving a letter on the design review process (see below).
To see the agenda and meeting minutes, click to 


7:00   Introductions and Agenda Review

7:05   Proposed Public Art for the Janus 
(New building under construction across 85th from Fred Meyer)
The people developing the Janus are hoping for support from the 
community council for a public art installation. They will bring a slide show and take questions and comments.
(Potential action: expression of support for the art project)

7:25   GCC “Capacity Building”
The Greenwood Community Council is considering becoming a
registered nonprofit in order to receive grant dollars that can be
used to improve the neighborhood. What would you like to see
change for the better, and could nonprofit status help connect GCC
members with resources to achieve the goals? We’d like your input
as we decide the best way to build our volunteering and fundraising

7:55   Update on Community Council Activities
Reports from committee chairs

Report from the Mayor’s Greenwood Visit (Seattle At Work)

Land Use Committee report – NOTE POTENTIAL ACTION
  The Land Use committee has prepared a draft letter responding to
  requests for comments on the design review process. To view the
  draft letter, click here. The membership will vote whether to amend 
  or approve for transmittal.

Transportation Committee report
Safety and Health Committee report
Engagement Committee report
Other – around the table

8:30     Adjourn 
Meeting Minutes
Called to order at 7:05 PM by Rob Fellows, president.

Proposed Public Art for the Janus
(building across NW 85th from Fred Meyer)

Ned Clap from the Janus building development is here. 105 units, 8800 sq ft of residential. With him is Bill Gaylord formerly of GGLO, who is project art coordinator. Miguel Edwards is the artist who will produce this project. Jean, community liaison.

Notes that this doesn’t cost city anything – Janus is contracting with the artist, responsible for maintaining the art, and will post a bond in case it must be removed. Emphasizes this building is in a transitional place between commercial zone on NW 85th and the single family home zone to the south.

Bill Gaylord visited neighborhood, commissioned art pieces from locals for the chandelier, pop hybrid panels (of Yoda and Gandhi), screens and gates, and thresholds.

Miguel Edwards shows images of Perseus II, which is the proposed piece of art – would go at corner of NW 85th and 1st Ave NW. Edwards is a neighborhood resident. 20 ft tall. He likes “implied kinetics” – both real and imagined motion. Intended as a gateway.

Some community questions – graffiti? Developer and artist intend to use materials that are easy to clean.

Public Art Advisory Committee has to approve art in public right of way. Seeking public feedback. PAAC is looking for “appropriateness” of the place in its context. SDOT looking for safety. Greenwood Arts Council is in support. They’d like us to support.

Robert moves, Chris seconds motion for GCC to write a letter to the PAAC in support of the proposed art. Comments: big and bold in a good way, appropriate for the site. Like the scale and size and colors. Unanimous approval.

GCC “Capacity Building” (postponed to next meeting)

Update on Community Council Activities

Mayor visited neighborhood on Saturday, July 18. Joined by city staff, including most department heads, and local business owners. Aurora-Licton Springs group was there and made comments about need for focus on their area. Some people came to protest some of the HALA recommendations. Mayor emphasized no immediate action on zoning will be taken for another year and a half, lots of time for discussion. Said there is “no upzoning of single family housing” but there is likely to be two different definitions of “upzoning” at work here. GCC should spend the next year discussing this. Some discussion of HALA proposals and the timelines as to when this will be decided. Unlikely to be soon but attendees want to be assertive early on in the process.

Committee updates

Engagement committee: Aurora-Licton Springs group has been formally organized as ALUV – Aurora Licton Urban Village.

Health and safety committee: SPD had reached out asking for our top 5 concerns within the community. We came up with more: home burglary, car prowling, prostitution, mail theft, open air drug dealing, public domestic disturbances, mugging, public safety. SPD outreach officer open to have a meeting with us. Concern that public is not reporting all the crime that’s out there because they’re no longer confident police will respond. Meeting happening on August 10 at Cancer Lifeline at 65th and Linden to discuss other safety and health issues in the Phinney-Greenlake area.

Transportation committee: July meeting was canceled. Later this year SDOT will be doing a multimodal corridor study on Greenwood. Will also look at Move Seattle proposal now that it’s on the ballot and have an educational/informational session.

Land Use committee: We need to be engaged in the process. Meeting produced notes that became a letter that we are proposing to send to DPD on improving the design review process. Goal is to submit this by the end of the week. Discussion about whether the letter should be more general and less granular.

Motion to approve letter made by Ian, seconded by Anna. Unanimously approved. Next Land Use committee meeting will be to discuss the Comp Plan and/or the HALA proposals.

Meeting adjourned at 8:43 PM.

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