The GCC membership meeting on January 16, 2018 featured a panel discussion of transportation issues in Greenwood. Here are the presentations:
First, Rob Fellows gave a survey overview of transportation issues in the neighborhood. Rob is the GCC President and a member of the board of Feet First.
[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Transportation in Greenwood, January 2018″]
Justin Martin and Robin Randels presented on what the local neigborhood greenways group and Seattle Neighborhood Greenways is working on in Greenwood and elsewhere
[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Greenwood Phinney Greenways, and Home Zones Concept”]Finally, Doug MacDonald, a Greenwood resident and former State Transportation Secretary, commented on a variety of pedestrian issues in Greenwood and across Seattle.
[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Transportation in Greenwood, January 2018″]Doug also handed out some useful handouts (Unfortunately more investigation is needed to make the links work):
[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Transportation in Greenwood, January 2018″]and also this handy handout from SDOT:
Client Assistance Memo 2208: Sidewalk Maintenance and Repair