Please stop by the Greenwood Community Council booth at two community events this weekend!
We will have new cool swag thanks to a Small Sparks grant from Seattle’s Department of Neighborhoods – including magnets with our new logo and contact information and tattoos with the “Give Greenwood Some Love” graphic that was designed by a parent at Greenwood Elementary School. Please stop by and let us know what you’re thinking about the neighborhood.
We’ll be at both events this weekend:
- The Car Show on Saturday: We’ll be at the site of the new park just north of the Greenwood Library. If you come between 11:00-1:00 you can also participate in the Parks Department’s open house to kickoff planning and design for the new park!
- Celebrate North Seattle on Sunday: This is a big fun event you may not have heard of that takes place in the Oak Tree parking lot. We’ll be sharing a tent with the newly-formed Aurora-Licton Urban Village (A-LUV) group and others.
If you’d like to join us at the table and meet your neighbors, send an email!