Category Archives: Projects

September Meeting: Sound Transit 3

What’s in the Sound Transit 3 package and how much will it cost?

This November residents of King, Pierce, and Snohomish counties will vote on the next iteration of expansion of Sound Transit services, known as Sound Transit 3 (ST3). The package includes more than 60 miles of new light rail lines across Seattle, Tacoma, Everett, and the Eastside. As well as Eastside bus rapid transit service, expansion of Sounder commuter rail, and the addition of parking capacity at various transit stations. Needless to say, ST3 is big. Passage of the ballot measure will mean our region will make an approximate $54 billion investment in transit expansion and will see big new transit projects come on line every few years between now and 2041. 

The Greenwood Community CouncilWe wants to help Greenwood residents make an informed voting decision on ST3. In our September general meeting we’ll delve into the details of the proposed projects in the plan, the project timelines, and the funding structure and projected costs to Puget Sound residents. 

Please join us at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 20, at the Greenwood Library, 8016 Greenwood Ave N, Seattle, WA 98103.


7:00   Welcome and introductions
7:10   Committee Reports

Health & Safety
Land Use
Call for volunteers

7:30   Update from the property owner on plans for Greenwood explosion site

7:45 Sound Transit 3

  • Context and background
  • Overview of ST3 Projects
  • How will ST3 affect NW Seattle?
  • Project timelines
  • Funding structure and costs

8:10 Open Question and Answer Session
8:30   Adjourn


Sound Transit 3 website

Seattle Transit Blog coverage

Seattle Times ST3 cost calculator