Category Archives: Sidewalks

Transportation Committee Meeting, Pedestrian Master Plan Update

Greenwood Community Council Transportation Committee Meeting

Seattle Pedestrian Master Plan Update

Monday, August 1st, 7:00 PM, Couth Buzzard Books

Please join the Greenwood Community Council’s Transportation Committee on Monday, August 1st for a meeting focused on the recently updated Seattle Pedestrian Master Plan. (PMP)  We will be joined by representatives from the Seattle Pedestrian Advisory Board and SDOT to go over the updates to the PMP and their process for updating the plan. SDOT is soliciting feedback and comments on the PMP through August 12th, and this will be a great opportunity to learn about the PMP’s content and offer input. We hope to see you there!

About the Pedestrian Master Plan:

The Seattle Pedestrian Master Plan (PMP) is a long-term action plan to make Seattle the most walkable and accessible city in the nation. SDOT uses the PMP to prioritize pedestrian investments throughout the city including new sidewalks, curb ramps, crosswalks, and many other improvements that make it easier to walk in our neighborhoods. The Plan lays out the key strategies and actions that SDOT will use to achieve its vision of making Seattle the most walkable and accessible city in the nation, and it establishes the performance measures we will use to gauge our success.  

April Meeting: Greenwood Ave. Transit/Sidewalk Project [Updated]

[This post has been updated to add the meeting agenda]

The Community Council normally meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month, but for April and May we will meet on the fourth Tuesday instead.


April Membership Meeting
Tuesday April 22, 7:00 – 8:30
Greenwood Public Library, 8016 Greenwood Ave. N

Greenwood Transit/Sidewalk Project

The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is working on a design for transit improvements and new sidewalks on Greenwood Ave. between N. 90th and N. 105th.  SDOT representatives will present their plans and answer questions.  

This project would bring long-desired sidewalks to Greenwood Ave.!  It includes funding to build sidewalks on the east side of the street, and to design sidewalks on the west side that would be well-positioned for funding.  Sidewalks design will affect where on-street parking is available.

The transit improvements are intended to remove the need for buses to wait for traffic to clear before they pull back into traffic after stopping for passengers.  Instead of pulling out of traffic, the buses would stop in-lane, and cars would wait while passengers get on and off the bus.  Bicycles would be routed behind a bus “island” so they could continue without stopping behind the buses, similar to the operation on Dexter Ave. N.  This is a somewhat controversial approach worth discussion.

Proposed Agenda:

7:00 Introductions and Agenda Review

7:10 SDOT Presentation (Rob Gorman, Paul Elliot), followed by Q&A and discussion

7:50 Around the Table Updates

– Report from the Neighborhood Summit
– Comprehensive Plan update
– Greenwood Library Park update
– Microhousing and low-rise development regulations update

8:20 Announcements and Next Meeting Topic

8:30 Adjourn

Next Thursday: Walk with GCC beyond where the sidewalk ends [UPDATED]

UPDATE:  Due to rain this event will be rescheduled for a different night – watch for a new date and time soon.

– – – – – –

The state of Greenwood Ave north of 90th is of great concern for many Greenwood residents. The lack of sidewalks, sufficient lighting and a busy arterial create an unsafe atmosphere for pedestrians. To shed light on this issue, the Greenwood Community Council (GCC) invites individuals to join us on a Greenwood Ave walk and adventure beyond where the sidewalk ends.

Purpose: To document the experience of walking Greenwood Ave north of 90th in the evening. Documentation of this experience will be used to generate awareness of the conditions pedestrians face on north Greenwood Ave.

Who: We invite any concerned residents, employees, employers and local city officials to join the GCC on this walk.

When: 8:30 p.m. Thursday, June 20th

Where: Meet at Naked City Taphouse at 8510 Greenwood Ave N at 8:30 p.m. Leave Naked City at 9 p.m., travel north to 105th St., then return.

May Meeting: Walking and Biking in Greenwood

Greenwood Community Council
May Meeting
7:00 PM Tuesday May 21
Greenwood Public Library, 8016 Greenwood Ave. N

Topic: Improving Greenwood for Walking and Biking


• 7:00 – Welcome and Introductions

• 7:05 – Round robin updates and announcements

• 7:15 – Discussion: what is the experience of walking and biking around Greenwood?

• 7:45 – Short presentations on specific projects/proposals

• 8:15 – (Separate topic): Presentation on proposed project at 1st NW and NW 85th (Pizza Hut)

• 8:30 – Adjourn

This meeting will provide an open forum about pedestrian and biking and how to improve the experience of walking and biking in our neighborhood.  We are also inviting people who have specific proposals or agendas to make brief presentations.

We’ve also been asked by the developers of a proposed project at the old Pizza Hut site across from Fred Meyer for an opportunity to share their thinking and get your feedback.  They are still at the planning stage, when new ideas can be incorporated.

The Greenwood Community Council usually meets on the third Tuesday of odd-numbered months at 7PM in the Greenwood Library.