GCC Looking for Help in Community Engagement

The Greenwood Community Council exists to facilitate and amplify neighborhood involvement and engagement.  I always have a slightly different answer when asked my personal opinion about what the Greenwood Community Council does, but this week I’m thinking we’re about place-making and community-building – which often involves dialogue and advocacy with the city and developers.  

Ultimately we’re effective only to the extent that we engage all sorts of people and understand the many perspectives among our neighbors. And here’s a surprise — most people don’t like meetings!  Face-to-face dialogue is still important and far more conducive to dialogue, learning and solutions than polarized, anonymous blog comments – but we also need to break out of the meeting paradigm and find other ways to engage people in the way they’re most comfortable, and to reach people whose voices may be neglected.  

To that end, we are looking for people who are interested in helping to engage the community more broadly than we can through traditional meetings.  If you’re interested, please take a few minutes to fill out this surveymonkey survey.

The survey asks what types of activities and outreach you’re interested in or think are needed.  It also asks whether you are willing to be on an engagement committee (I know that’s ironic) and will sample availability to find possible meeting times that could work out for everyone.  If you have other thoughts after filling in the survey, let me know that too.
On another note: We are looking for a new chair of our outreach and engagement committee. (We are also looking for a new community council vice president.) If you have any interest in taking on either of these, please let me know.  The committee chair is responsible for setting up committee meetings (or delegating that of course) and participating in monthly board meetings.
Rob Fellows
Greenwood Community Council

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